SIET BIM est un bureau d’études techniques pluridisciplinaire spécialisé dans la sous-traitance pour le compte d’autres BET, majoritairement des maîtres d’œuvre. En effet, il est de coutume qu’un bureau d’études soit confronté à une surcharge de travail occasionnelle ou qu’il ait besoin de re-courir à des aptitudes complémentaires. Face à toutes ces éventualités, SIET BIM ingenierie est le partenaire, à …

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Architecture material of wooden floors and leather covering

Council are celebrating the incredible achievement of the Companies and Stakeholders. Due to BIM’s fast invasion in all over the world specially in the North America Region, we are one of the top 10 nominated Consultants for Council Architectural/Design Practice of the Year Award. Model Council are celebrating the incredible achievement of these Companies and Stakeholders. achievement of these Companies …

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Interior trending design with greeting coffee bars

Council are celebrating the incredible achievement of the Companies and Stakeholders. Due to BIM’s fast invasion in all over the world specially in the North America Region, we are one of the top 10 nominated Consultants for Council Architectural/Design Practice of the Year Award. Model Council are celebrating the incredible achievement of these Companies and Stakeholders. achievement of these Companies …

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